Landscapes Art Exhibition

The Artist Space Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the second Landscapes online Art Exhibition. Along with the selected artists, the jury selected award winners in the following art categories: painting, drawing, and mixed media. The show displayed a variety of artistic styles and mediums: oil on canvas, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, digital art, photography. Out of all submissions received 68 artworks were selected to be included in the exhibition.

Best of Show

Elizabeth Darlington

Short Biography and Statement

Elizabeth grew up in a rural environment and consequently the natural world was a significant part of her development. As a teenager, Salvador Dali was her favourite artist, but studying the Great Masters at A Level and for her Degree, she became particularly interested in the hidden symbology and use of geometry by Leonardo da Vinci. Another significant influence was Turner and his revolutionary use of light. Elizabeth rarely paints in full light, preferring to lead the viewer from the shadows into the work where the focal point is illuminated. Since early childhood, Elizabeth has experienced ‘visions’. These experiences have imprinted her mind with extraordinary colours, feelings and energy. In 2014, she opened her own gallery, but after just 12 months, she had to close the doors to overcome cancer. Elizabeth has had near-death-experiences several times during her life. One time was during childbirth, when both she and her daughter nearly died. The most recent was in August 2021, when she suffered severe Covid complications, pneumonia and sepsis. During her time in ICU, she experienced many powerful visions assisting with her healing. She has endeavoured to portray these in her artwork since her remarkable recovery. Artists Statement Elizabeth’s art is representative of the connectivity with nature and the wider Universe. She has developed her own medium by combining acrylic inks with other acrylic based substances, enabling a variety of viscosity and texture. Gold leaf also features in all her artwork. Symbolic and emotive words are often embedded onto the canvas, before Elizabeth starts painting over them. They are never seen in the finished piece. Viewers respond to the paintings according to their own mental/emotional state. They serve to remind the viewer of forgotten aspects of themselves; opening doors in their minds to everything that lies within themselves.

Elizabeth Darlington - BREATEHE - acrylic

Painting Prize

Chen Yang Chan

Short Biography and Statement

1980 Born in Taipei, Taiwan 1995 Went to Vancouver, Canada for further study 2001 Went to Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts for further studies 2003 Studied at Repin Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia I love pleining air painting because I can feel the ever-changing nature and feel its emotions from different colors no matter the season.


Drawing Prize

Shawn Edrington

Short Biography and Statement

Through trace, transfer and transposition, this work explores the visual form of a mesh as metonym for themes of connection, separation, perforation, and protection. Structures, networks, webs, and nests, are sites of communication and support, as well as capture and entrapment. My artistic practice more broadly investigates the enmeshments of human and animal ecologies and I am interested in the demarcating lines society draws between the natural world and the built environment confronted with the ultimate permeability and tenuousness of these apparent boundaries. Utilizing monotype and relief printing combined with CNC ink plotting I cohere the programmed line with the seemingly random, the digitally modeled with the outwardly organic. The result is a kind of meditation, mediation, and circumscription of the inextricable relations between the natural and the artificial.

Shawn Edrington - BLUEPRINT OF RUIN - ink plotting

Mixed Media Prize

Laemmlin Gerhard

Short Biography and Statement

How my pictures are created: The process of creating my pictures is not a feel-good event with a wellness character. Rather, it is characterized by an ongoing conflict between head-controlled, planned actions and spontaneous actions. The striving for harmony is countered by the omnipresent desire for tension-creating irritation. Colors and shapes are set, areas of tension arise and are supported by intuitively suggested lines. Colors and various materials such as sand, marble dust, shellac, etc. are applied in many layers. In this way, images are created that have an unmistakable life of their own. The images submitted on the subject of "landscape" are only recognizable as landscape images at second glance, as they do not depict a postcard landscape on a 1:1 scale. Rather, they arise from my impressions that I have brought back from various trips, here from the "Valley of Death" in Argentina and from the "Puente del Inca", also from Argentina.

Laemmlin Gerhard - AMPACAMA