Grey Art Exhibition

The Artist Space Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the second Grey online Art Exhibition. Along with the selected artists, the jury selected award winners in the following art categories: painting, photography, and sculpture. The show displayed a variety of artistic styles and mediums: oil on canvas, acrylic, watercolor, scratchboard, charcoal, graphite, photography, digital art.  Out of all submissions received 45 artworks were selected to be included in the exhibition.

Best of Show

Eric Renard

Short Biography and Statement

Eric M Renard is one of California’s Leading contemporary fine art photographers. His work has found its way into art galleries in London, Budapest, Greece,Mexico, Brazil and across the Unites States. Eric’s photography has received numerous awards and been published in books and photography magazines, including the cover of Black & White magazine. Eric Renard’s recent exhibitions “Slice of Light”, “Nobody Walk in L.A.”, “Soul of a City” and “Urbanity in Black and White” focused on high contrast, urban cityscapes, reflecting an eerie sense of peace and tranquility. The cityscape is the hero of these photographs, with the people in them subject to the power of their surroundings. At a recent awards ceremony, renowned L.A. art critic, Edward Goldman stated “I wouldnt be surprised if the Getty Museum would like to have his work in their collection”.

Eric Renard - A FINE PAIR - photography

Painting Prize

Cher Pruys

Short Biography and Statement

Cher Pruys, ASAA SCA, IGOR, AAPL, CSAA, AMS, LMS, OSA, MAA, CFA, NOAPS, PSOA, AWA., AAOA. "To take my inner visions with my hands and create a work of art for you the viewer .... That is the ultimate in self expression." Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats. By age three, Cher was seldom found without a drawing tool in hand. She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until, she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35. Beginning with oil paints, she found her chosen mediums in acrylic, water color and gouache. Although self taught, her dedication and talent has seen her work juried into 575 International exhibits. She has won 916 awards for her work in the International Juried Exhibits. Her work has graced the covers of 3 books, 38 magazines, including The Best Of Acrylic Fall 2021, cover of the May 2022 Arabella Magazine, #20 Hyperrealism Magazine with “Girls Girls Girls”, & #21 with “The Young Cowboy”, Artists & Illustrators March 2024 & the latest Artistonish July edition. She has been featured in over 400 International publications. Cher's works have found a permanent home in private and public collections worldwide.

Cher Pruys - LITTLE RASCAL - acrylic

Sculpture Prize

Jason Shih

Short Biography and Statement

Jason Shih was born in 1972 in Taiwan. In 1991, he began to specialize in metal sculpture when he was a sophomore in the Fine Arts Dept. of Taipei National University of the Arts. In 2001, he graduated from School for American Crafts, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, and majored in Metal Sculpture. And then, he served as the metal sculptor Albert Paley's assistant, involved in crafts and public art work practices. Furthermore, he earned his Art Ph. D. from China Academy of Art, China (2015). Now, he lives in Taiwan, and consistently engages in the both areas of sculpture and public art. Jason Shih’s artistic vision is shaped by a diverse array of influences, from contemporary dance to avant-garde fashion. He cites German choreographer Pina Bausch and British designer Alexander McQueen as significant inspirations. Bausch’s explorations of time and space resonate with Shih’s interest in sculpture’s capacity to embody kinetic energy and spatial imagination.

Jason Shih - SPROUT - cast bronze

Photography Prize

Darrell O'Sullivan

Short Biography and Statement

I have been an artist for more 50 years.since I have explored art through painting, sculpture (clay, glass and welded steel), drawing and now digital photography. My art and photographic images are in private and public collections in the US. And, I have received numerous local, regional, national and international awards. I am still excited about making art and enjoying creativity.

Darrell O'Sullivan - BEACH STORM - digital photography
