The Artist Space Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the first Open online Art Exhibition. Along with the selected artists, the jury selected award winners in the following art categories: painting, photography, and sculpture. The show displayed a variety of artistic styles and mediums: oil on canvas, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, gouache, bronze, ceramic, photography, digital art. Out of all submissions received 74 artworks were selected to be included in the exhibition.
Best of Show
Timothy Jahn
Short Biography and Statement
Timothy, an artist deeply committed to representational art, presently focuses on the intricate study of interior scenes. His oeuvre is defined by a distinctive fusion of the real and the surreal, meticulously designed to elicit a sense of mystery and intrigue. His approach to artistry beckons the audience into a unique space where the commonplace merges seamlessly with the mysterious, crafting an engaging journey into the realms of the unexplored.
Painting Prize
Li Hsien Cheng
Short Biography and Statement
Taiwan is the place I was born and live in.I am a high school teacher and teaching advertisement design in the south of Taiwan. Light and color effect my vision and every emotion.I want to represent them through my painting. My main medium is watercolor. I just join the watercolor 8432 joint exhibition in the middle of Taiwan which is Changhua city on 2020.
Sculpture Prize
Michele Bourdeau
Short Biography and Statement
Michele Bourdeau has always been fascinated by sculpture and the three-dimensional form and that limitless compositions can be created out of raw material. She likes the texture of clay and enjoys feeling a form take shape under her fingers. She gets inspired from a variety of sources and tends to prefer stylized, abstracted figures and forms. Apart from representing the figure, the artist is much inspired by the wildness of nature and un-tameness of the ocean in creating abstract forms or colorful paintings. Her art pieces do not result from careful planning. She tries to experiment with something new each time. The artist lets the idea evolve as she works along and likes to leave the creation speak for itself. Her work has been recognized in a number of juried exhibits.
Photography Prize
Shawna Hinkel
Short Biography and Statement
Shawna Hinkel is a Master Photographer from Dallas, Texas. She has a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Texas A&M University, and has been a professional photographer since 2004. She earned her PPA Certification in 2014 and PPA Master of Photography degree in 2019. She was awarded Life Membership in Dallas PPA in 2020, and earned her Accredited Professional of Animal Imagery degree in 2021. In 2023, she became the second Master of WPE from the United States, and also became a Master Photographer in Fine Art from MPI. Her work has been accepted in the PPA International Photographic Competition Annual Exhibition every year since 2016. She was the Dallas Professional Photographers Association Photographer of the Year in 2017 and 2018, and was named as one of the Top 10 photographers in Texas in 2020. She also received the American Society of Photographers’ State Elite Award in 2020. It has been said that “the eyes are the windows to the soul,” and I have found this to be true. Not only in people, but also in animals - most especially in the great apes. My series “Almost Human” explores the eyes and expressions of these magnificent creatures, looking for the souls in our most closely-related counterparts. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans are so much like us that if you spend a little time with them, you can almost tell what they are feeling. Some are young and playful, some are old and wise, and some are shy and do not want to be bothered. I want to show the heart of these beautiful animals so more people can find a deeper understanding and affection for them, and learn more about the conservation efforts in place to help them. What a better world it would be for man and apes alike.